August 2, 2013

Former MEGADETH drummer Nick Menza will lay down the drum tracks on the song "Insolent Scum" from Croatian melodic thrash metal band SUFOSIA. The track will appear on SUFOSIA's as-yet-untitled second CD, tentatively due in 2014.

Comments SUFOSIA: "To have someone you've admire like your music is huge. Having Nick play your song is totally another level."

Adds Menza: "SUFOSIA is totally pumped, shredding-your-face, shut-the-fuck-up metal!"

Founded in 2006, SUFOSIA was noticed by the global metal community when it released a 2009 live cover version of MEGADETH's "Hanger 18" via YouTube, receiving well over 12,000 views in the first month of its release (the clip has since been seen more than 150,000 times).

MEGADETH bassist David Ellefson reportedly said about SUFOSIA's cover version of "Hangar 18": "It sounds really, really good!"

SUFOSIA took advantage of the digital platform In March of 2011 when its released its first full-length album, "Inspiration Breakdown".

A snippet of a a new SUFOSIA demo track titled "My Rage" can be streamed below.


Davor GaraĊĦic - Guitar, Vocals
Tomislav Ivkovic - Guitar
Davor Grdic - Bass, Backing Vocals
Matko Staudacher - Drums

Menza joined MEGADETH for the 1990 recording "Rust In Peace" and for the next ten years became associated with the band's "classic" and most profitable era.

Following the reissue of the entire MEGADETH catalog, Menza was invited to reunite with the band in 2004. Days after a reunion was announced, Menza was fired after rehearsals and replaced with Shawn Drover. Mustaine said that this was because Nick "just wasn't prepared."

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